Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Favorite quotes authored by those I know.

Peace ladies. White trash idiot.

I'm glad I'm not part of that religion where you have to perm your hair and wear jean skirts.

I'd been smoking so long I just assumed I was addicted.

I'm tired something terrible.

It's all I got.

Its gonna suck real bad for a while, but then, its gonna get worse.

Yes, please.

This is why I love them...

If you don't know, you should. The Dixie Chicks are my favorite.  Here's why...

My friends from high school
Married their high school boyfriends
Moved into houses
In the same ZIP codes where their parents live

But I could never follow

I hit the highway
In a pink RV with stars on the ceiling
Lived like a gypsy
Six strong hands on the steering wheel

I've been a long time gone now
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
But I've always found my way somehow

By takin' the long way
Takin' the long way around
Takin' the long way
Takin' the long way around

I met the queen of whatever
Drank with the Irish and smoked with the hippies
Moved with the shakers
Wouldn't kiss all the asses that they told me to

I could never follow

It's been two long years now
Since the top of the world came crashing down
And I'm getting' it back on the road now

But I'm takin' the long way
Takin' the long way around
I'm takin' the long way
Takin' the long way around

Well I fought with a stranger and I met myself
I opened my mouth and I heard myself
It can get pretty lonely when you show yourself
Guess I could have made it easier on myself

I could never follow

Well I never seem to do it like anybody else
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
If you ever want to find me I can still be found

Takin' the long way around


I wished I was smarter
I wished I was stronger
I wished I loved Jesus
The way my wife does
I wish it had been easier
Instead of any longer
I wished I could have stood where you would have been proud
But that won't happen now
That won't happen now

There's a whole lot of singing that's never gonna be heard
Disappearing everyday without so much as a word somehow
Think I broke the wings off that little song bird
She's never gonna fly to the top of the world right now
Top of the world

I don't have to answer any of these questions
Don't have no God to teach me no lessons
I come home in the evening
Sit in my chair
One night they called me for supper
But I never got up
I stayed right there in my chair

There's a whole lot of singing that's never gonna be heard
Disappearing everyday without so much as a word somehow
Think I broke the wings off that little song bird
She's never gonna fly to the top of the world right now

I wished I'd a known you
Wished I'd a shown you
All of the things I was on the inside
I'd pretend to be sleeping
When you come in in the morning
To whisper good-bye
Go to work in the rain
I don't know why
Don't know why

'Cause everyone's singing
We just wanna be heard
Disappearing everyday without so much as a word somehow
Wanna grab a hold of that little song bird
Take her for a ride to the top of the world right now

To the top of the world


I can tell
There's something you don't wanna tell me
It's killing you
'Cause the words are hard to find
I know you want to break it to me gently
Well sweet baby say what's on your mind

Let 'er rip, Let it fly
Come on baby say it
Do you think I'm gonna cry
I ain't about to ball, and I ain't gonna die
So if you're gonna say goodbye
Don't take all day and night
Let 'er rip, Let it fly

Why the drama
We don't have to drag out this situation
It wasn't you, it wasn't me
Sometimes the chemistry don't ignite
There ain't no rings, no mortage
There ain't any complications
It's just a hyphenated word, get it out
I'm sure I'll be all right

Let 'er rip, Let it fly
Come on baby say it
Do you think I'm gonna cry
I ain't about to ball, and I ain't gonna die
So if you're gonna say goodbye
Don't take all day and night
Let 'er rip, Let it fly

It ain't no big deal, ain't no great loss
You and I are on the same train of thought
So you don't have to tell me where to get off
Maybe I misunderstood you
If you're leaving baby would you

Let 'er rip, Let it fly
Come on baby say it
Do you think I'm gonna cry
I ain't about to ball, and I ain't gonna die
So if you're gonna say goodbye
Don't take all day and night
Let 'er rip, Let it fly

So if you're gonna say goodbye
Don't take all day and night
Let 'er rip, Let it fly




Ain't no talkin to this man

Ain't no pretty other side

Ain't no way to understand the stupid words of pride

It would take an acrobat, and I already tried all that

I'm gonna let him fly

Things can move at such a pace

The second hand just waved goodbye

You know the light has left his face

But you can't recall just where or why

So there was really nothing to it

I just went and cut right through it

I said I'm gonna let him fly yeah

There's no mercy in a live wire

No rest at all in freedom

The choices we are given it's no choice at all

The proof is in the fire

You touch before it moves away

But you must always know how long to stay and when to go

And there ain't no talkin to this man

He's been tryin to tell me so

It took awhile to understand the beauty of just letting go

Cause it would take an acrobat, I already tried all that

I'm gonna let him fly


My Halloween Costume

As I was researching what to wear for my Elaine Benes Halloween costume, it appears I made a good decision.  From my personality, demeanor, intrapersonal relationships and physical attributes (of course, I did have to dye my hair a shade darker), 'I was born to play' Elaine.

Here's what I found:

Elaine does not hesitate voicing her strong positions on certain political issue.  Once, she engaged George's girlfriend in a heated argument regarding a fur coat. Although when presented a similar stand in other episodes, she also said "Who has the energy anymore?"  Jerry dubs Elaine "The Queen of Confrontation" and is the self-proclaimed "The Queen of the Castle."  She is an attractive single woman, gainfully employed, often angry about something.  Her love life seems to be a continual disappointment.  She has a compulsive need to be honest, which often gets her into trouble.  Her horrible dancing is described as "a full-body dry heave set to music" and uses the sponge as her form of birth control and will have sex only with a man who is "sponge-worthy."  Elaine was once refused a square of toilet paper by a woman in the next bathroom stall. She is offended to find that her co-worker uses a toilet seat protector even though she and Elaine are the only ones who use that particular toilet.  Elaine is intelligent and assertive, but superficial and short-tempered.  She often gets caught up in her boyfriends' machinations, her eccentric employers' arbitrary demands, and the unkindness of total strangers.  A recurring plot line for Elaine is her frustrating inability to find Mr. Right; she even tries to get a gay man to "change teams."  One of Elaine's trademark maneuvers is her forceful shove when she got good or shocking news, sometimes using the catch phrase "get out!" She is seen as the intellectual stronghold of the group of friends.  Elaine says her father has booze as a religion.


Elaine: Here's one. I borrowed Puddy's car and all the presets on his radio were Christian rock stations.
George Costanza: I like Christian rock. It's very positive. It's not like those real musicians who think they're so cool and hip.
Elaine: So you think Puddy actually believes in something?
Jerry: It's a used car, he probably never changed the presets.
Elaine: Yes, he is lazy.
Jerry: Plus, he probably doesn't know how to program the buttons.
Elaine: Yes, he is dumb.
Jerry: So you prefer dumb and lazy to religious?
Elaine: Dumb and lazy, I understand.

So, at one point in the night, a girl told me she thought my demeanor was exactly like Elaine's, not sure why, but I wasn't trying.  And after a few rounds of the full-body dry heave set to music, a guy, wanting to dance with me, asked me if I had any rhythm. I knew I had Elaine perfected.  Oh, and I kept shoving people all night telling them to "get out!!!"  I do like to give a good jab to arm when I've got something to say anyway, so that part was easy;).

What do you think, am I right?

Stealing other people’s headlines

I've stolen these headline from other people's profiles. If you see yours, I like it.

Shouldering the load is easy; carrying it with grace takes time.

The sweet is never as sweet without the sour.

Being loved by someone gives your strength, loving someone else gives you courage.

Life's a garden, dig it.

You Can't Drink All Day If You Don't Start In The Morning

Once in awhile you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

I am into spooning like you are into making out with your ex's roomates!

There are three signs of a hypocrite: when he speaks, he speaks lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust.

To let go does not mean to stop caring, It means I can't do it for someone else. To let go is not to cut myself off, It's the realization I can't control another.

God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay and who you refuse to let go.

Waking the Dead

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brillant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small doesn't serve the world.  There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us...  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

- Nelson Mandela, quoted in "Waking the Dead"